A study led by UPC/IEEC has determined for the first time the mass and radius of one of the oldest stars in our Galaxy, allowing to validate the theoretical ...
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A team of researchers from UPC in Barcelona and EPFL in Lausanne built a new theory to explain the finite-temperature properties in terms of microscopic ...
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The undergraduate project done by Martí Perpinyà in Physical Engineering, under the direction of Alberto Rebassa and Jordi José, has discovered the first ...
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Viktor Cikojević defended his thesis co-directed by Leandra Vranješ Markić and Jordi Boronat on April 20th 2021 at Campus Diagonal Nord, titled "Ab-initio ...
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Vrinda Krishnakumar defended her thesis directed by Dr. Oriol Monserrat on September 29. The defense was online. Entitled "Sentinel-1 data exploitation for ...
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Researchers from the Department of Physics at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, together with scientists from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and the ...
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Xavier Navarro Bosque defended his thesis co-directed by Raül Rodríguez Solà and M. Carmen Casas Castillo on March 17 at the Vilanova i la Geltrú Campus. ...
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Xiao Liu defended his thesis co-supervised by Jaume Sanz Subirana and Adria Rovira Garcia on November 10th 2022 at Campus Nord. Entitled "Contributions to High ...
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Yago Herrera defended his thesis co-directed by Glòria Sala and Jordi José on December 15 at the Diagonal-Besos Campus. Titled "Models of stellar winds from ...
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Zahra Hazami defended her thesis co-directed by Francis Pérez of the ALBA synchrotron and Youri Koubychine of INTE-SEN on January 29 at ETSEIB, South Campus. ...
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