Jordi Boronat takes formally charge of the department

Jul 24, 2019

With the presence of the provost of the UPC, Francesc Torres, secretary general Marta de Blas and the outgoing director Daniel Crespo, Jordi Boronat took office as Director of the Department of Physics on July 23. At an event held in building B4 on the North campus there has been the transfer of powers with brief speeches of the directors entering and leaving and of the same rector.

In the act, the two directors have agreed to request administrative support of proximity for a department as large as the Department of Physics. The new director has given all the institutional support of the Department to the demands of the Rectors of the public universities regarding financing. Jordi Boronat has also requested special consideration for those doing basic science in the University from the rectorate, indicating that the UPC must be a reference not only in engineering and technology but also in the science that constitutes its base.

The new director has proceeded to appoint his management team that will be formed by:

Academic Secretary: Clara Prats Soler

Deputy Director of Teaching: Eloi Pineda Soler

Deputy Director of Research: Enric Alvarez Lacalle

