Professor Isabel Mercader awarded with the UPC Teaching Quality Prize, given by the UPC Consell Social.

Jun 13, 2019

Professor Isabel Mercader receives the UPC Prize for Quality in the University Teaching of the Social Council

The Social Council of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia · Barcelona Tech (UPC) has awarded the 22nd UPC Prize for Quality in University Teaching to Professor Isabel Mercader Calvo for her recognized qualities as an excellent teacher. The jury of the Prize highlighted the multipurpose profile of Isabel Mercader, of the Department of Physics, and linked to the School of Telecommunications of Barcelona (ETSETB), as a teacher dedicated to students and teaching, updating content and contributing changes and improvements, and also highlighted the research activity, as well as its ability to coordinate and the willingness to collaborate with other teachers and teams.

Our colleague Isabel Mercader began her teaching work at the Faculty of Computer Science of Barcelona (FIB), and later she continued at the Barcelona School of Telecommunications. However, he taught master's and doctoral studies at the Department of Physics. This excellent teaching career has been accompanied by a no less important research activity. The Prof. Mercader has published 60 articles in the best scientific journals of Fluid Mechanics. He has directed 5 doctoral theses and has been a principal researcher in several research projects. Indeed, it is one of the pillars of the Fluid Dynamics research group: formation of structures and geophysical applications.

The Social Council has also awarded Professor Miguel Valero García of the Department of Computer Architecture and the CreativeLAB project of the Superior School of Industrial, Aerospace and Audiovisual Engineering of Terrassa (ESEIAAT)
