New campaign of measures on the beach of Castelldefels

Mar 07, 2018

Researchers from the UPC and the CSIC will study the currents, waves and movement of the sand on the beach of Castelldefels (Barcelona) (MUSA campaign, March 2018)

Beaches are one of the most dynamic natural areas of the Earth and understanding the dominant geophysical processes has a great interest both from a scientific point of view and socio-economic (just think of phenomena like the erosion of some beaches or the flood during the storms). Researchers from different Catalan and Mallorcan institutions (from the UPC and the CSIC) are collaborating within the framework of a research project to improve knowledge about the complex dynamics of waves, currents, sand and submerged topography of the beaches. We use on the one hand mathematical models that solve the laws of physics by means of numerical methods and on the other experimental measurements in situ and with remote sensors such as camcorders and radars.


One of the activities of this coordinated research project will be an intensive campaign of measures on the beach in Castelldefels, which will take place from March 11 to 23, 2018. The objective is to monitor the dynamics of the beach for 7 days And, more in detail, the changes in the submerged sand bars and the coast line, as well as the exchanges between the beach and the continental shelf. To do this, we will measure continuously the characteristics of the waves at different depths, as well as the currents, the turbidity of the water and the topographical ripples of the seabed with instruments placed in different positions. We will also take samples of sediment, to study the granulometric characteristics, and we will measure repeatedly emerging and submerged topography. In addition, the video monitoring system that we have permanently installed on the tower of the Plaza de las Palmas de Castelldefels ( = CFA1-sam) will allow us to obtain images and videos from which we can quantify with good resolution the changes in the coast line and the submerged bars. There is also a plan to install a radar to compare the two types of remote sensors. Researchers from the Universidad del Norte (Colombia) and the University of Copenhagen (Denmark) will also participate in the campaign and provide instrumentation.


The Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness finances the coordinated research project (Reference: CTM2015-66225-C2-1-P and CTM2015-66225-C2-2-P), and the Castelldefels Town Council is also collaborating in the campaign, the University of the North, the Copenhagen University, the Port Ginesta and the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona.



Research groups of the researchers involved:

