Pietro Massignan and Grigori Astrakharchik organize the "XXXV Scientific Encounters of the Mediterranean Josep Miquel Vidal'

Jun 26, 2019

The research in ultracold atoms is evolving at an astonishingly rapid pace, with new theories and experiments constantly motivating and pushing each other.

To provide an overview of the latest breakthroughs in this field, Pietro Massignan and Grigori Astrakharchik are organizing the "XXXV Scientific Encounters of the Mediterranean Josep Miquel Vidal' in Maó (Menorca), from 4th to 6th September 2019. 
The Workshop will be entitled “Dynamics and interactions in quantum gases”, and it aims at bringing together 20 internationally renowned invited speakers and younger researchers on ultracold atoms, to discuss very recent developments in the context of:

# Weakly interacting BECs (sound, vortices, droplets)
# Strong interactions (unitary Fermi gases, Bose and Fermi polarons, integrable systems)
# Interaction quenches, Lieb-Robinson bounds, many-body localization
# Rydberg & long-range interactions
# Topological phases
More information may be found on the conference webpage, http://quantum-menorca-2019.upc.edu/ .

