Ricard Gonzalez organizes the 26th Symposium and General Assembly of the European Low Gravity Research Association

Sep 23, 2019

Ricard Gonzalez Cinca, associate professor in the department and director of the Master's degree in Aerospace Science and Technology (MAST) in EETAC, organizes the 26th edition of the The European Low Gravity Research Association (ELGRA) Symposium and General Assembly to be held in Granada from the 24 to the 27th of September.

ELGRA is a non-profit international society devoted to the promotion of scientific research under various gravity conditions in Europe. The organization, established in 1979, provides a networking platform for all scientists interested in life and physical sciences and technology in space or on ground. This year, its general Assembly will be held jointly with the 14th International Conference on Two-Phase Systems for Space and Ground Applications (ITTW-2019) and the annual meetings of different European Space Agency Topical Teams such as Non-equilibrium Phenomena in Soft Matter and Complex Fluids,  Space Grains or- Thermophysical Properties.

The fact that Symposium, General Assembly and sectorial conferences will happen under the same venue provides a platform for researchers to exchange information and identify research needs in this important area encompassing several engineering, mechanical and physical disciplines, in a perspective of space applications, but considering also their fallback for the improvement of terrestrial applications.

Members of world space agencies and space industry generally participate and give their contribution. You can find all the information in https://www.elgra2019.com/



